Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Graduation project - PETA GATEWAY


Petra was established around the 6th century B.C. by the nabatean Arabs, who sculptured their temples and tombs into the rock. It lies on the edges of the mountainous desert of Wadi Araba.
This ancient city, has always been an outstanding tourist spot, was elected as one of the seven wonders of the world. Despite the scarce natural resources and low industrial capabilities, locals managed to inhabit the area and extract an income from visitors, through selling simple traditional handicrafts, tourist guidance, and animal and carriage transportation.

Such lifestyle was appropriate for the locals, till a rise in population and insufficient job opportunities evolved. This demands improved infrastructure and advanced facilities, nourishing the tourist’s journey and providing better economical, social and environmental support for the locals

Petra lies 3-5 hours south from the capital Amman where 98% of visitors journey begins. Petra gateway provides an oasis for rest and relaxation before going on with the impressive and wonderful, still exhausting on foot trip through the city. Furthermore, it provides brief historical and cultural knowledge about the ancient city to give a more interesting experience.

It’s always been a concern lengthening time spent by the visitor, and providing more than one day services. Joining our architectural design with the open natural spaces of the area, improved the night life of Petra, tempting tourists to stay longer.

Contexual and aesthetic impact
Our design respects the historical and sacred value of Petra maintaining the natural beauty of the site, with no hard architectural masses imposed on the site, just harmony sheltered functions
Ecological quality and energy conservation
Petra gateway encourages the tourist movement to increase income of both locals and the whole country. It further provides 250-300 descent job opportunities to the locals , and training courses to sharpen their language and tourist guidance skills.
Ecological quality and energy conservation
Water shortage and energy resources are a big challenge in Jordan. Petra Gateway adapts with such conditions, using photovoltaic to conserve the solar energy though long hot days in summer. Hard rocky floors of Petra reduce ground water absorption and forms streams in winter, which can be save and used for irrigation. The central court helps to ventilate the surrounding spaces and is cooled down by the vegetation, roof garden and shelters
Ethical standards and social equity
The plaza represents the social core, where people from all over the world meet to share their experience in Petra, and enjoy the unique cultural exchange with each other and the locals. The design creates functional spaces along the pathway, not manipulating its linearity with the Seiq, and without imposing any architectural blo

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